Selasa, 06 Oktober 2009

Sejarah Jaringan Komputer

Jaringan Komputer memiliki banyak sejarah apabila dicari melalui browser. Ada yang mengatakan bahwa awal jaringan komputer dimulai dari tahun 1950-an ketika jenis komputer mulai membesar sampai tercipta superkomputer, akan tetapi jaringan komputer sebenarnya dimulai pada tahun 1969 ketika Departemen Pertahanan Amerika, U.S.Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) memutuskan untuk mengadakan riset tentang cara menghubungkan sejumlah komputer agar membentuk jaringan organik. Program riset demikian dikenal dengan nama ARPANET(Advance Research projects Agency Network ). Selanjutnya adalah pada :

  • Tahun 1971, jaringan ARPANET mulai berkembang dari yang pada mulanya hanya bisa menghubungkan 4 host menjadi 23 host dan mempunyai 15 node.
  • Tahun 1972, Roy Tomlinson berhasil menyempurna­kan program email yang ia ciptakan pada tahun 1971 untuk ARPANET. Program emailnya langsung populer karena begitu mudah untuk diaplikasikan. Pada tahun yang sama, ikon [@] pun diperkenalkan sebagai lambang penting yang menunjukan “at” atau “pada”.

  • Tahun 1973, dua orang ahli komputer bernama Vinton Cerf dan Bob Kahn, mempresentasikan sebuah gagasan besar, yaitu “A Protocol for Packet Network Intercommunication” yang merupakan cikal-bakal lahirnya protokol Transmission Control Program (TCP). Ide ini dipresentasikan untuk pertama kalinya di Universitas Sussex.

  • Tanggal 26 Maret 1976 ketika Ratu Inggris berhasil mengirimkan email dari Royal Signals and Radar Establishment di Malvern. Setahun kemudian, sudah lebih dari 100 komputer yang bergabung di ARPANET membentuk sebuah jaringan atau network.

  • Tahun 1979, Tom Truscott, Jim Ellis, dan Steve Bellovin menciptakan newsgroup pertama yang diberi nama USENET.

  • Tahun 1981, France Telecom menciptakan gebrakan dengan meluncurkan telepon televisi pertama, dimana orang bisa saling menelepon sambil berhubung­an dengan video link.

  • Tahun 1982, terbentuk Transmission Control Protocol atau TCP dan IP yang kini kita kenal semua. Sementara itu, di Eropa muncul jaringan komputer tandingan yang dikenal dengan Eunet. Eunet menye­diakan jasa jaringan komputer di negara-negara Belanda, Inggris, Denmark, dan Swedia. Jaringan Eunet menyediakan jasa email dan newsgroup USENET.

  • Tahun 1988, Jarko Oikarinen dari Finlandia menemu­kan dan sekaligus memperkenalkan IRC (Internet Relay Chat). Setahun kemudian, jumlah komputer yang saling berhubungan kembali melonjak 10 kali lipat dalam setahun. Tak kurang dari 100.000 komputer kini membentuk sebuah jaringan.

  • Tahun 1990 adalah tahun paling bersejarah. Tim Berners Lee menemukan program editor dan browser yang bisa menjelajah dari satu komputer ke komputer lainnya, yang membentuk jaringan. Program inilah yang disebut www, atau World Wide Web.

  • Tahun 1994, terdapat lebih dari 3000 alamat website dan untuk pertama kalinya virtual shopping atau e-retail muncul di situs. Di tahun yang sama, Yahoo!(Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle), yang merupakan search engine, didirikan oleh dua orang mahasiswa Stanford University bernama Jerry Yang dan David Filo.

Dan ini adalah urutan sejarah jaringan komputer yang saya dapatkan:

Sampai sekarang pun jaringan komputer tetap berkembang. Dan juga tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa kebutuhan akan informasi tidak akan berhenti. Bukan tidak mungkin akan ditemukan jaringan komputer dengan teknologi terbaru oleh anak negeri Indonesia kita yang tercinta.

Rabu, 24 Desember 2008

Including Files with include() in PHP

Rabu, 10 Desember 2008


What are you think first when you think about motorcycle? Are that’s about getting wet when it’s rain, or it’s about make you more look gentle, or what?

I think motorcycle is:

1.SIMPLE. Why? Because I was a university student, I think that going to campus is faster with motorcycle than with public transportation. When I get public transportation to go to campus I will get traffic jam in the way. And in Indonesia almost all land public transportation will stop on side road to call passengers. It will take a lot of time.

2.SATISFACTION. I feel satisfied when I take my motorcycle in high speed. I like the wind sensation, speed that make me feel fly, etc.

3.HAPPY. Why I happy!? Of course that because I have girlfriend. When I use motorcycle with my girlfriend, she will hug me! That’s why I feel happy. If you being hug in public transportation, you will get scold by other passengers, especially by the older people, if the younger people scold you, that just he/she feel jealous to you.

It’s not all but it was enough. So, what about you!?

Rabu, 03 Desember 2008

My Friends

I have friends, a lot of friends. I have friends in Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Sumatera, Sulawesi, Aceh, and many more, even Malaysia and Jerman. OH! And dont forgot Bandung.. I have many friends in Bandung. I have friend where I can share story, sadness, happiness, pretend to crazy, etc. In campus I have many friends with many different behavior. Although they sometimes make me angry, I happy to know them. Especially my best friends. They can make me feel happy when I feel sad, help me to up stairs and bring my backpack when I after get motorcycle accident, cheer up me when I distressed, and many more that I can't say it all because it's too much. And becuase of that, I will never forgive anyone who make my friend's feel sad. Why I do that!? Because I love them, respect them, and I was nothing without them.Sometimes my friend's do bad things to me. So, where I can clear my thought? In this case, I have my girlfriend who very kind to me, take care of me, always make me happy, comforting me, etc. She was a very kind person. But she's also a childish person, so I must take care of her every time.

Rabu, 26 November 2008


I feel dizzy about what I post this week. I was take "What I think this week" as my theme. But, I dont know what I think now. Because I was busy with many home work, repairing my laptop, take care of my brother new motorcycle, and many many many more. I've just finish repairing my laptop, actualy it's not repairing, it was upgrading. My laptop use Windows XP Professional, and I want to upgrade it to Windows XP Black Edition. I was success, but I forgot to uninstall the the previous program that I Install in drive E. That's make several program in drive E cannot be uninstall. So I remove it with direct delete. Ok! Finish with my laptop, I immediately do my home work. And it was this posting.

Rabu, 19 November 2008

Strange Day For My Friend

I have a fat friend. His name berry man. He was a sneaky boy. But he's also helping his friend who need help. Today, me and my friend give him a very-very great lesson to him. We deceive him with handphone. I pretend to be a man that found my friend (just call C) handphone. I called berry man and said that we (me and berry man) must meet to give back C handphone. He said he can't, cause it's raining and it's already five o'clock. But finaly we will meet in campus. Before he go, berry man call C. He said that C hand phone is missing. C pretend to crying in phone and I think he was believe that C handphone is realy-realy missing. We who look C speak in phone with berry man nearly laughting it. But we can restrain that. Because I feel pity with berry man, we stop that. And when berry man know that he was being mistreat, he was a little upset. And in a second he laught very loud in phone (we all know he was laught very loud because the phone is in loud speaker). We get him!!=)
Sorry my friend!!

Selasa, 04 November 2008

My Hobbies

If you know me, you must know my hobbies. If you didn't know my hobbies, let me to tell you about my hobbies.

My hobbies is :

1. bothering my friends.
Why my hobby is bothering my friends, because it's very-very fun! Although sometimes they mad of me, I still enjoying it. I like to see their expressions.  Sometimes they show me their mad face, sometimes they show me their funny face, or sometimes even they show me their ugly face. I suggesting you to try although for once. Try it!! OK!!

2. Game
Game is my hobby since I still in elementary school. Look! I have nineteen game in my laptop.
I will tell you why I like to playing a game? Because game can teach you how to reacting to a question or many questions. And game can teach you how to think more complex. Like in RPG game, you can't just think about killing enemy. You must think about your conditions too. And the last, game can teach you to know other language. As you know, game not only use your language. Like Japan game. But don't like me, now I was addictive to game. My girlfriends always scold me if I playing game. Though she like game too.

That is my hobbies. What about you!? Are your hobbies like mine?